Shawn McGlothlin

NEXT Lab Advisor
Shawn has a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Abilene Christian University, 1989. He is the President of Orison Marketing, a company providing biobased and environmental preferred chemicals to Gov’t/military and various industries for corrosion control, antifreeze / heat transfer, odor control and general maintenance. Relevant memberships include the ASTM D15 Committee on Engine Coolants and Related Fluids and ASTM E10 Committee on Nuclear Technology and Applications. Shawn and his wife Amy have 3 children; Ryan, Hannah and Greyson.
Why Support NEXT?
How could you not support NEXT? NEXT is researching, developing and putting together the necessary missing pieces of a truly world changing technology. The beauty of the whole project is the MSR technology itself is proven, the alpha targeting technology for treating cancer is proven, the ability to create affordable energy and clean water, anywhere in the world with this technology, is proven. Supporting NEXT research/develop/engineer the missing information, technological instrumentation and safety devices and protocols is the best and most impactful way to bring God’s gifts to the world.