Dr. Timothy Kennedy, P.E.

Faculty Department of Engineering and Physics
Email: tjk14a@acu.edu
- PhD, Texas Tech University, Civil Engineering, 2012
- BSCE, Texas Tech University, Civil Engineering, 2008
- Tim has experience in both engineering industry and research. His industry experience includes design of pump stations, large diameter pipelines, water and wastewater treatment processes, and potable reuse. Additionally, Tim has performed research in: household scale water treatment technologies (such as the biosand filter) and the fate and transport of endocrine disrupting compounds and pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment. He began working for the NEXT lab in 2017 with the molten salt test loop. Additionally, Tim is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas.
Expertise and Repertoire
- Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Indirect Potable Reuse, Direct Potable Reuse, Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, Biological Filtration, Household Water Treatment Technologies.
Honors & Achievements
- Most Influential Faculty Member, Engineering and Physics Department , 2016
Books and Publications
- Kennedy, T., McDonald, E., Nellor, M., Alexander, K., Boyd, C., Castleberry, B., Cruz, C., Davis, A., Drewes, J., Duranceau, S., Lawler, D., Pecson, B., Plummer, A., Soller, J., Olivieri, A., Snyder, S., Tchbanoglous, G., & Trussell, S. (2015) Direct Potable Reuse Resource Document, Austin, Texas , Texas Water Development Board
- Kennedy, T., Anderson, T., Hernandez, E., & Morse, A. (2013) Assessing an intermittently operated household scale slow sand filter paired with household bleach for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A
- Kennedy, T., Hernandez, E., Morse, A., & Anderson, T. (2012) Hydraulic Loading Rate Effect on Removal Rates in a BioSand Filter: A Pilot Study of Three Conditions, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
- Kennedy, T., Anderson, T., Hernandez, E., & Morse, A. (2012) Determining the operational limits of the biosand filter, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply
Scholarly Presentations
- Kennedy, T., & Cromis, M. (2016) Nitrate and Fluoride Removal with Biosand Filtration, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC, 2016
Professional Service
- Texas Society of Professional Engineers - Abilene Chapter, Officer, Treasurer, 2015 - present
- Water Environment Research, Reviewer, Journal Article, 2015 - 2016
- Water Science Technology: Water Supply, Reviewer, Journal Article, 2015 - 2016